Electric vitamins are an electric energy that humans can produce and consume during the interaction with metals and other low-resistance conductors. For example, walking barefoot in the dewy grass or along the edge of the sea.
For many years acupuncture procedures have been successfully applied to clinical practice. However, any universal opinion relative to mechanisms of acupuncture action was not achieved to the present day. Based on experiments carried out by Redox Laboratory, a concept for mechanisms of acupuncture action was proposed. A hypothesis was set up in the study that acupuncture needle, as electron (type 1) conducting electrode, can connect regulatory systems in living organism, as ion (type 2) conductors. Thereby, functional condition in an organism is changed and new regulation level is provided. Besides, the authors consider that signals obtained from acupuncture needle and processed by appropriate modern mathematical analysis tool can be used for diagnostics, primarily in premorbid states.
Architectural design philosophy - the main thing is not houses and people, but what is between them: science, education, culture and love as the highest manifestation of these fundamentals.
Открытый Новогодний урок физики провели Дед Мороз и Снегурочка! Главным инструментом урока послужил обучающий развлекательный аттракцион — Арка электрических витаминов и обновленный «Велогенератор».